About me
Managing and executing global Public Relations campaigns for technology SMEs and corporations ranks me up a specialist in strategic communications in business. I have drafted hundreds of articles and press releases for The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal or Bloomberg and have spent hours preparing business leaders to media interviews. Nonetheless, communications and PR isn't my only specialism – the truth is that when you're accountable for running the comunications department, you need to know the ins and outs of all the company operations, including marketing, sales and business development, of course.
These days, as a coach and expert consultant, unsurprisingly I specialise in business strategy, development and integrated communications.
My adventure with business started in 2010 when as a keen Public Relations student at Bournemouth University I set up a local promotional firm Day & Night Promotions. Not long after that I started attending training and mentoring sessions delivered by Kevin Stansfield and Colin Harding from a top business consulting firm ActionCOACH. All that experience has laid the foundations for my ongoing career in business and international Public Relations. Hired by London-based PR agencies: RuderFinn UK and Wildfire, I have worked with world-leading technology companies such as Fiserv, Premier Farnell, TSMC, DNV GL, Interoute, Experian, Irdeto or NSSLGlobal. Recently appointed as Business Development Officer at Future Horizons and Senior PR Consultant at The British Embassy in Armenia
Business communications
Advisory on the company communications strategy and its impact on sales and reputation (B2B, one-to-one sessions); Hands-on workshops on how to implement and measure strategic communications globally (B2B, group sessions)
Business development consulting
'Company health check' – a thorough review of current vs potential market position; development of a 'recovery plan' (B2B, one-to-one or group sessions)
PR services
Development, management and execution of PR programmes; International PR; Technology PR; Fintech PR; Integrated comms; Crisis comms (B2B, one-to-one or group sessions)
Business English coaching
Development of clients' business English language writing and verbal abilities, including presentation, public speaking, negotiation, diplomacy and persuasion skills (B2B and B2C, one-to-one or group sessions)
Business/corporate writing
Copywriting; Advisory on effective/diplomatic/international audience writing (B2B and B2C, one-to-one or group sessions)
Start-up consulting
Providing consulting on new business strategy, building successful customer relationships, conducing insighful competitor analysis and market research (B2B, one-to-one or group sessions)
Clients about me
Malcolm Penn, CEO & Founder of Future Horizons
Marta is, without a doubt, one of the best PR professional I've ever met, with a natural flair for the challenges and breath-taking clarity of thought and creativity of expression. She was a real asset to Future Horizons when we were evaluating our business development strategy and was instrumental in leading the highly successful UK media trade mission to Armenia in 2016. Whenever we think 'PR' our first choice is always Marta.
Adrian Harrow, Senior Marketing Manager at NSSLGlobal
Marta did a great job at successfully managing NSSLGlobal's PR activities both in the UK and internationally. She put our spokespeople in front of the media and placed thought leadership articles in key publications. I appreciated her focus on results, determination and energy on our PR channels and great media knowledge. Marta took the time to understand our ethos and came across as someone who was personally invested in to our brand which made her highly effective. Recommendation couldn’t come higher for Marta to run your PR campaigns.
Debby Penton, Managing Director at Wildfire
It's rare to meet such an energetic and vibrant professional as Marta. She's completely dedicated herself to making a success of everything she does and I'm sure her new business venture will flourish as a result!
Piotr Zakrzewski, Account Manager, ESKOM IT Outsourcing & Solutions
Marta to człowiek o nieskończonych pokładach pozytywnej energii dzięki którym zawsze znajdzie skuteczny sposób na naukę nawet tych, którzy są bardzo odporni na wiedzę 🙂 Pracujemy razem półtora roku i postęp jaki zrobiłem w tym czasie jest nieoceniony, z poziomu A1 na C1. Zdecydowanie polecam, ponieważ każda sesja to solidna dawka wiedzy i jednocześnie miło spędzony czas. Dużo rozmawiamy o IT i ćwiczymy negocjacje.
Malwina Woloch, Owner of Mia Box
Z przyjemnością rekomenduję współpracę z firmą Marta Kot Business Coaching & PR. Pani Marta jest ekspertem do spraw strategicznej komunikacji w biznesie, pomagała mi w negocjacjach z krajami anglojęzycznymi które za każdym razem kończyły się pełnym sukcesem. Polecam wszystkim którzy cenią sobie rzetelność , skuteczność i profesjonalizm. Jestem przekonana że nasza współpraca będzie nadal kontynuowana.
Agnieszka Wronska, Marketing Manager at Neinver Asset Management
Marta is a fantastic business coach. With her help I’ve got prepared for many important business conversations and each time I’ve done exceptionally well. She’s also a great PR specialist and a writer. I’m so proud of the texts and presentation we’ve mastered together. I highly recommend Marta’s services!
Marcin Smolarek, Lead Project Manager, Aasa
Marta to żywe srebro, złoto i dwie garście platyny wśród wszystkich trenerów języka angielskiego, jakich do tej pory poznałem. Po latach frustrującego i powolnego brnięcia przez naukę w kolejnych szkołach językowych, platformach e-learningowych czy z rosnącej sterty książek wreszcie trafiłem na Trenera Idealnego! 🙂 Niczym genialny rzeźbiarz ulepiła z tej kupki nieszczęścia solidną umiejętność codziennej komunikacji. Po roku wspólnych zajęć wciąż mamy nie kończącą się listę tematów do rozmowy. Ideał! Chciałbym być taki fajny, jak Marta!
Jolanta Jaworska, Aviation Safety Agency
Marta’s knowledge and skills of business English are impressive. In fact, I owe my current job in Trivago Germany to her - she assisted me during the whole recruitment process. Now we are working on my business English writing skills and her methods truly motivate me to progress. I always look forward to the next session and I would highly recommend Marta!
Monika Mielec, English literature graduate
Skontaktowałam się z Panią Martą przed ustna obrona egzaminu dyplomowego na kierunku filologia angielska. Pani Marta była świetnie przygotowana z zakresu, który jej przesłałam, dokładnie przerobiłyśmy każde zagadnienie i zawsze mogłam liczyć na wspaniałe wsparcie z jej strony. Uwagi i cenne wskazówki okazały się bardzo przydatne podczas obrony, którą przeszłam bez żadnych problemów. Bardzo Dziękuję za ogromną pomoc i wsparcie, poprawę mojej wymowy i ogromną dawkę pewności siebie w swobodnym posługiwaniu się językiem angielskim. Serdecznie Polecam i Jeszcze raz bardzo dziękuję Pani Marto za pełne zaangażowanie i wsparcie 🙂